Also it's super windy here and my curtains keep blowing out my window....if they rip off I'm so not paying for that. Every time I close my window I can't breathe so they can get air or deal with the wind tearing off their curtains.
Okay sorry, this is supposed to be about my St. Patrick's Day.
My mother told me before I left that I was lucky to be spending St. Patrick's Day in New Zealand. I wasn't sure why, but now I'm thinking it's because here I'm old enough for the bars legally. (After all, I'm the only h*** my momma ever raised ;) )
So first off I had to stay up til 2:30am so I could register for my fall semester classes for my senior year of college. Like what. But yeah. So I watched Rock of Ages for the first time and like ohmygoodness how have I not seen that before?! Literally my daily soundtrack in a movie with one of my favorite ever people, Julianne Hough. Like shame on Daddy for not having me watch that. It even had Cherry Pie in it!! But whatever. It kept me up like it was supposed to, but then it was too intense for me to sleep after because like how could I not have seen that before, like I don't understand.
Then I woke up early because the residence hall was filming their promotional video and they needed people to be in it and we all know I have a problem with cameras. Cameras and eating. Which, coincidentally, the reward for letting them film you was free food. It's like they could've just written my name in the sky asking to see me, but whateverrrrr. So we did the outside filming and such but then they said we were done so I went to sleep and missed the indoor shooting, but oh well. Homegirl needs her sleep haha.
Edit: the video doesn't wanna stay in place so ya'll don't get to see it, snapchat me if you wanna see it tho haha
Edit #2: lol so I tried to screenshot the video so you'd have a pic of me at the end and it's super hilarious but please be aware that I was "singing" the entire video so there could be no possible decent picture of me but I'm gonna put it up anyways, Only God Can Judge ;P
To start the night, Justin and I headed our classic favorite Irish Pub, because ya know, St. Patrick's Day is like Irish and such. So what better place to celebrate than with the Irish? They had live music and it was jammin, as usual. Two thumbs up. On our way there, it appeared that the line was insanely immensely long, but things are not always as they appear. Once you actually got inside, it was less crowded than a normal night, but as the night picked up so did the crowd.
While we were walking around looking for our next stop, the music coming from QF Tav drew us in. It always seemed like a poppin' place and it was totally rockin last night. I'm so glad we went there it was so fun. Oh they're music was live too. But once the band took a break, we stayed for about 2 stereo songs before heading off to our next adventure.
We were walking again. Walking felt soo good; everywhere was so hot and it was so nice out. Plus once you're on the main road, no hills (thank God). There was a bunch of people outside some club next to Roxy's (another place I haven't been, surprising since Roxy is like one of my fav clothes lines so ya'd think I'd go to a club with the same name, but maybe one day). They were with a bar crawl, but they were leaving. So one they left we went in. Since bar crawls usually rent the places out we were almost literally the only ones in there and they had a big fan and it was nice. It was a great like maybe 10 minutes until the bartenders realized we weren't in the bar area and were by the fan and music and such and then we left lol
On our way back we got milkshakes :) I got a caramel instead of cookies and cream, because I've had so many cookies and cream milkshakes the past couple days, but I gotta say, there's a reason the cookies and cream is the best.
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