Sunday, March 6, 2016

Semana Uno

So in reality, I haven't actually been in Auckland a full week at a time yet, but the title of this post is in honour of the first week of classes.
I've already given you a recap of the first day of classes, so I'm not going to repeat that, but I will inform you all of my actions from then until I left for Coromandel this past weekend. You're welcome.
So my first class was on Tuesday. Not sure if I went over our nightly endevours for you in my last post (& let's be real; I'm quite lazy so I'm not gonna bother looking to see if I did or not) so I'm just gonna recap it here real quick. Tuesday night was our first night at Father Ted's. We knew of it for Trivia Tuesdays, yet we then heard it was actually Karaoke night, so we weren't really sure what we were getting ourselves into but were keen to go anyways. Turns out Trivia is from 9-11 then Karaoke is from 11-2. We got there at 11, but there was some event at the Civic center, so karaoke didn't actually start until midnight. It was actually super fun. I didn't karaoke exactly, but I definitely sang along as the others did their thing. Some drunk came up to us complaining about how we were ruining the bar, but it's their fault for having those songs on the song list to choose from.
Birthday banner &
Scrumpy hands
for Tim's 21st
I thought Wednesdays were my busy days because I have all three classes on Wednesdays, but they're each only like 50 minutes, so it wasn't bad at all. I was gonna stay up til midnight so I could tell Daddy happy birthday when it turned his birthday here, but I fell asleep so he had to wait til midnight in the states for his happy birthday there (instead of both).
Thursdays I don't have classes either. Thursday was my dad and Tim's birthday. It was also the O Concert that I really didn't wanna go to but already spent $30 on a ticket so I ended up going bc money. Before we left for the concert, Tim had to have Scrumpy hands because duh, it was his 21st. Emily also made dinner for Sarah, Justin, and I. She's the best :) So then we went to the concert and I guess DJ literally means DJ and not actual concert because he was just playing songs like as if we were listening to the radio. So we left real quick and went to Bar 101 where we got $5 shirts and listened to the same songs at the concert then on the bottom level then at the top level because apparently Kiwis don't like variety in their music. It did kinda remind me of my beloved H2O tho, so I guess it was okay :P

Fridays end up being my busiest and most awful days. I only have two classes but they're both two hours long. Uh, I can't sit still that long. There's a reason I'm not into movies. But I got a lollipop for answering a question about Barbie in my Marketing class, so I guess it was okay.
In between my two Friday classes tho, I discovered the greatness of sushi. So like I think I'm allergic to avocado or something because sushi usually makes me super sick, but at this local sushi place, Bruce Lee's, they make them like specifically for you, so you can get it without avocado and so I got a Boston Roll and it was so good. Like if that's what Boston tastes like, I need to go. It had peanut butter, bacon, eel, crab, salmon, and little dried fish flake thingies. It was good. I had to fight off a sparrow and a seagull and I won and it was worth it.
Friday night we started at Rock Bar (finally). So even tho it's called Rock Bar and is like rock n roll themed, they didn't really have many rock songs for karaoke so it was kinda disappointing but it was still fun. I did karaoke here, but neither songs were rock because no one wanted to do any Jon Bon with me and they didn't have any Warrant and they barely had any Poison (like they only had like 1 or 2 songs, like what). So I did some SmashMouth with Emily and some Ke$ha with Justin (#FreeKesha).
After the pub crawl in Queenstown, Justin couldn't just go to one bar a night (insert laughing emoji here), so after Rock Bar we went to Oxxydental, where Evan and Justin shared a pitcher (quickly because I was bored). Then we tried Cassette 9 because Celeste and I hadn't been there yet, but there was a $10 cover charge, so we decided to skip it and went back to Father Ted's.
No one really lasted long, so soon it was just Celeste, Justin, and I. But they had live music and he was jammin so we stuck around and danced until we were reminded we all had an early morning for our various trips (Justin to Rangitoto and Celeste and I to Coromandel). So we headed back to UHA where Justin and I ate almost a whole bag of Cheez-Its that I snuck in from the States before we went to bed.
Coromandel post coming soon.
Til next time,

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