Saturday, April 17, 2021

Raggie Reef

 Okay so this is on me but because I've been slacking with my writing, my brain is like overloaded so instead of everyday details like you would normally get I'm just gonna do posts on like what we do generally and a few detailed days posts, like for my birthday. Which honestly I'm here for 2 months so it's probably better for ya'll that way anyways but yeah just keeping you updated. And then hopefully I'll do better about writing once I'm caught up but I'm just always so tired after our busy days so we'll see. 

But for this one I guess I'll explain what we do for Raggie Reef, which we do once a week. 

So Raggie Reef is in the Sanctuary which is 40km or 25 miles south of Jesser's Point, where we launch the boat. Nobody is allowed in there except for us with our research permit - no divers or fishermen or anything. It's like an hour and a half boatride one way and we have to bring extra fuel to fill up for the way back. So we stick a hose in the new fuel and the fuel tank then create a seal with our hands and blow into the new fuel to fill the empty part with air so that gracity will then push the fuel into the hose and down to the empty gas tank. Raggie Reef is where the sand tiger (raggie) sharks hang out so we go down to count and ID them by taking pictures of their spots which we then use I3S to match and track the shark. So Grant and 1 intern (we take turns each week) go down on scuba to change out the RUV cameras, which take pictures every 30 seconds for a week. The others can freedive to count and take pics and this is where you can also collect shark teeth. 

This week it was my turn to dive with Grant and I got 8 shark teeth. The other time I got to go I got 3 but there were 3 of us interns so I gave one to Nick and unfortunately lost the 3rd before I could give it to Craig. 

Then on the way back we normally stop at Red Sands, which is just a place in the middle of nowhere on the Sanctuary line to check out the life there. The first time Michelle and Sam saw a bull shark and Michelle's Eckerd-ness kicked in and she got back on the boat and we left. The next time was Craig's turn to dive at Raggie but Grant let me dive at Red Sands and we made friends with a potato bass that followed us the whole time. Grant says those fish have clearly never seen divers before and were super curious. Anyways this past time, we freedove there and swam with a manta, a tiger shark, and the bull shark! Woo hoo! Just need to add in a hammerhead to the mix. 

Once we get the footage on the computer, then we organize by date then I go and delete everything that doesn't have a shark, ray, or turtle, and record all the info (date, time, species, photo number) for the ones that do. We also have them plugged into power banks not batteries for the week so it lasts for 7 days underwater. The more you know. 

Until next time,



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