Before the game a bunch of us chilled in Anastasia and Libby (and Aissa but she wasn't there)'s flat. Then when it was time to go we shared an Uber (well 2 ubers) so we only paid like $2 to get there. Then I went with my Uber's girls (Libby, Anastasia, and Celeste) to their seats. On the way in we got free boxes of chicken snack cracker things! Then Celeste was nice enough to walk me down to my seat so I wasn't all alone. The girls' seats were up in like high stadium seating. Mine was right on the field (it's just wrong for a cheerleader to not be right on the field/court). I felt like I was in high school again, getting ready for a game, wishing I had hot chocolate.
We watched the news reporters give their reports followed by the Wales national anthem. When it was New Zealand's turn, we sang along with the words on the screen. Then it was time for the Haka. My phone decided to stop working quite early, but I still caught a little, which you can see in my All Blacks video on my Facebook.
Then the game started. It reminds me a lot of football, with touchdowns and field goals and everything (okay not field goal, the extra point you get for kicking after a touchdown). But they also add some sick cheer moves that low key took our team foreverrr to do (where you lift by the thigh and not the foot or ground). It's a pretty sweet game.
Halftime was lame. I expected a grand performance.
After halftime I got a hot dog! It was so good and I wanted a hot dog so bad. Later Celeste got donuts and I had a couple, but they were too cinnamony for me.
After the game, we attempted to find the others for like two minutes before we decided to start walking. Previously I had walked all the way to that area before and it was super nice out so we decided to just walk all the way back instead of getting another Uber. We only got lost once, and we found like a dozen Waldos.
Soon we were back in our rooms and I was ready to be asleep. Gotta get up early for Straya the next morn.
Until next time,
Glad you are catching up with all your adventures.looking forward to more. Xoxoxoxo
DeleteGlad you are catching up with all your adventures.looking forward to more. Xoxoxoxo